dilluns, 1 de setembre del 2008


As told at Glossary, Catalombia is an imaginary republic that serves as fatherland to catalonians and colombians who, whatever the reason, feels their heart split between both shores of the sea.

It's an original idea from Mauricio, whose blog República de Catalombia (es) may be just a personal one (no way one of these sites about imaginary countries) but, once self-proclamed president of the Catalombian Republic, he had the good idea to give us catalombians the needed symbols of our fatherland:

- The name: "República de Catalòmbia" (Catalombian Republic). It's, obviously, just the fussion between "Catalonia" and "Colombia". The "Republic" part is, I assume, just a personal choice from Mauricio (and I must say that I'd make the very same choice).

- Our flag: 
This solution is quite smart. He just got the big yellow band of colombian's flag to add the four bars of the catalonian one.

Images from Wikipedia: Colombia
, Wikipedia: Catalonia
Just as Mauricio tells at his blog: República de Catalombia (es)

- L'escut:
This one must a closer look because the changes are more in detail
(just as Mauricio tells at his blog República de Catalombia (es))

"The top side keeps the condor, but instead of laurel leaves it carries a fetathered stole at his beak.

The upper third of the main body we change the cornucopia by its catalonian equivalent: a piggybank.

At the middle third, the catalonian barretina replaces the frigian cap.

The lower third remains unchanged in a kind of homage to the constant loose of lands for both Catalonia and Colombia. We must say that all their past kingdoms reached from the Bosphorus to the Panama Canal. Our Republic today doesn't reach continents, but lots of contents."

This mention about past and current catalombian territories comes by linking Colombia with the Great Colombia and Catalonia with the Catalanaragonese Crown (AKA Crown of Aragon)
So, these would be the catalombian lands in its maximum expansion:

And these our current lands: