dissabte, 12 de juliol del 2008

Pep Guardiola, catalombian coffee

© Parque Nacional del Café

Colombia is increasing its efforts in tourism and, thanks goodness, it's not just beach at all.

One of its iniciatives to improve its added value is the Parque del Café (Coffee's Park), half fun park half theme park about its most valued trademark: its coffee.

I'd start talking about this wonerful place and I'll never stop. There's this gorgeous replica of the "Pueblo Quindiano", the "Casa Campesina" (Rural Home) where you'd find sort of Juan Valdés' clone (but his name is Suso Musgo) or a dance and music show that gave me a single thought: when grown-up, I wanna be a "paisa".

© Hardatlivin'

But the biggest surprise I got there was in the Beneficiadero. It's a route that shows any step in coffee cultivation and production and, just at the end, I saw sort of boiler labeled as guardiola: "Tambor rotativo para secar café por medio de aire caliente" (Rolling drum due to dry coffee using hot air).

© Televisió de Catalunya
Captured by jaume_blg

Yep, guardiola, as we catalans name the piggy bank. As like as the surname of Pep Guardiola, current Barça's coach. Because Guardiola was the surname of the first one that went to America with one of these machines that they used to dry the coffee burning any fuel available.

© Blazonet

Este apellido es, justamente, de origen catalán, concretamente de Barcelona, cuenta con su propio escudo de armas y es compartido por otros 3352 catalanes y 8923 españoles. E incluso a lo largo y ancho de América donde parece que es Santa Marta (Colombia) uno de los lugares donde más abundan.

This surname comes from Barcelona (Catalonia), it has its own coat of arms and it's shared by 3352 catalans and 8923 spaniards. You may even find "Guardiolas" all around America. Some say that they are quite a lot at Santa Marta (Colombia).

But let's not forget the Parque del Café. I really suggest you to go there. It really pays the trip, but you'd better save a couple of das at least. It's a big place and you won't ever be able to see it all in a whole day no matter how fast you can run. But it's also a way cool place to visit for any fellow catalan like me that may like to trace the present and past pressence his compatriots all around the world.

Further information:
  • Futbol Club Barcelona
  • Blazonet (es) Experts in heraldry
  • Parque Nacional del Café (es)

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